
Feautured Books

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About Ktoba

The #1 Books Marketplace in Tunisia

Ktoba was created to solve the lack and hardship of finding books in Tunisia. Here you can find everything you have been looking for. You can buy, sell, and trade books and connect to other book lovers. The book you have been craving for is just a few clicks away. Welcome home and happy reading!


Unlimited Submissions

You can submit as many books as you want. There is no limit on the number of submissions and it is completely free.


You can buy and find books you can't find in stores. You can also easily sell some of your books and you can also trade with other users and form new freindships.

Awesome Support

If you request any help or have any kind of question we are at your disposal to solve and answer your problems.

Easy Management

Once registered you can easily submit, edit and remove the books that you previously listed.

Global Marketplace

Our users are from all around Tunisia. From North to South, East to West, you can find potential sellers or buyers and achieve your quest.


You can buy used books for a fraction of the real price of a new book while still receiving the same knowledge. You can also get new books for free by trading books you already read with other users.
